Elevated Auditions

Elevated Auditions

The Methodologies to Level Up Your Auditions

[oct_title title=”Mondays @ 7p-10p or Wednesdays @ 1pm-4pm – $150″ paragraph_title=”h4″ title_fontsize=”20″ css=”.vc_custom_1688071494377{margin-top: 10px !important;padding-top: 5px !important;background-color: #a6bfd8 !important;}”][/oct_title]
[oct_text_block color=”#000000″ fontsize=”16″]Are you an actor who wants to get more out of your next audition? Are you ready to elevate all of your future auditions?

You need to look no further than the Elevated Auditions class at Higher Elevation Studio! You’ll get the opportunity to learn how to level up your auditions the same way others who have booked consistently have been able to do. The classes have been formulated to help you make your auditions come to life!

You’ll learn about pitfalls other actors fall into, how to make a better fit for your actions in the frame, an improved script analysis, finding those choices that aren’t against the character or script, but are higher quality, and a lot more! Since people really like bulleted lists, I’ve made one for you below![/oct_text_block]

[oct_text_block color=”#000000″ css=”.vc_custom_1684712420121{padding-top: 5px !important;padding-right: 5px !important;padding-bottom: 5px !important;padding-left: 5px !important;background-color: #62b8ea !important;}” fontsize=”16″]What’s being covered in this class:

  • Audition Types and their Performance Differences
  • Improved Script Analysis
  • Higher Quality Choices
  • Reinforcing Technicalities
  • The Five Minute Foundation
  • And more!


[oct_text_block color=”#000000″ fontsize=”16″]What’s thisĀ Five Minute Foundation you ask? It was originally derived from the small window of time given to actors for in-person cold reads. It’s about finding the fastest way to get the necessities in five minutes (or so) to create a foundation for your audition. Then, you can spend the rest of the time nurturing the scene. It isn’t always five minutes, but the terminology is referencing speed and efficiency.

Steven is a professional actor who owns Higher Elevation Studio. He’s taped thousands of auditions over the years (averaging over 4500 a year) and has seen what books and what doesn’t. After learning how to elevate his own auditions, he used those methodologies on his clients in the room which has helped them create consistently better auditions. Of course, there is no methodology by itself that can get an actor to book the role or always make an audition better. That requires hard work, constant practice, and some luck. However, the knowledge from this class will help you create the foundation to launch your auditions to the next level.[/oct_text_block]


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